Roberts Playground

Roberts Playground Dorchester Located in Dorchester, Roberts Playground is a neighborhood park at a local school. The park features a large turf field that can be used for soccer -…

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Mclaughlin Playground

McLaughlin Playground Roxbury McLaughlin Playground is located in Roxbury and is suitable for sports, running and activities for children. The park has a few basketball courts, a softball field and…

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Mckinney Playground

Mckinney Playground Allston-Brighton Located in Brighton, McKinney Playground is a park that has plenty of sports amenities and a playground area for kids. The park includes a baseball field, a…

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Mcconnell Park

Mcconnell Park Dorchester Located in Dorchester, McConnell Park is an ideal spot for softball and little league baseball. There are two natural grass fields and one turf field. In addition,…

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Noyes Playground

Noyes Playground East Boston Located in East Boston, Noyes Playground plenty of sports amenities, including 2 basketball courts, a baseball field (with a bullpen/batting cage), and a combination turf soccer and…

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Portsmouth Street Playground

Portsmouth Street Playground Allston-Brighton Portsmouth Playground (and Murray Field) is a neighborhood park in Allston-Brighton with sports amenities and a gated playground area for kids. It has a basketball court,…

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Langone Park

Langone Park Downtown Langone Park (and Puopolo Playground) is an open, quiet park tucked away in the back part of the North End. The park has a baseball field, and…

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Hynes Playground

Hynes Playground West Roxbury Hynes Field is a neighborhood park in West Roxbury, bordering the VFW Highway. The park is ideal for kids and  includes a large playground and a…

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