Located in Roslindale, Pagel Playground is an ideal spot to play soccer. There is both a mini soccer field and official-sized soccer field, both of which are turf surfaces. There is also a playground and walking paths.
This Park is Best For:
Pagel Playground is typically best used for:
Basic Info
- Park Size: Small
- Terrain: Flat
- Transportation: Bus, Car
- Hours: N/A
- Restrooms: No
- Drinking Fountains: No
- Benches: Yes
- Lights: Street Lights
Park Amenities
- Soccer Fields (2)
- Playground
- Small Greenspace
- Walking Paths
- Parking Lots
Pagel Playground is located in Roslindale. The park can be accessed by taking the 32 Bus, which also stops at Forest Hills, access to the Orange Line.
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