Chestnut Hill Reservoir

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The Chestnut Hill Reservoir is a popular park in Allston-Brighton. The park has a path that circles around a reservoir, with a distance of one and a half miles, making it great for walking and running. While at the Chestnut Hill Reservoir, you can see views of Boston College and the Boston city skyline from different areas of the path.

Best Used For

Chestnut Hill Reservoir is typically best used for:

Basic Info

Park Amenities

Directions & Parking

The Chestnut Hill Reservoir in Boston’s Brighton neighborhood is just minutes away from the B, C, D line stops. For the D line, you can get off at Reservoir, the C line you can get off at Cleveland Circle, and the B line, you can get off at the Chestnut Hill Ave stop. Driving to Chestnut Hill Reservoir, there is also a small parking lot off of Beacon street, as well as street parking nearby.

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